Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fire Craft

Hunter-gatherers, both ancient and modern consider fire as LIFE. Fire allowed early humans to not only cook wild foods and keep potential predators at bay, but to aid in the migration and eventual exploration of the globe. The ability to make fire is the MOST IMPORTANT skill for all outdoorsmen to own.

In a wilderness survival situation a fire can provide the following:
Warmth: Body temperature regulation, staving off Hypothermia, drying out wet clothing.
Signaling: A fire at night or a column of smoke can be seen for miles. To produce an effective smoky fire burn green boughs or other green vegetation. Avoid burning poisonous plants (poison ivy & oak).
Companionship: A fire can raise spirits like nothing else, improving your mental outlook and attitude. By occupying your mind with the task of fire building, you’re less likely to succumb to panic or fear.
Cooking and Water Purification: Cooking wild edibles can make them more palatable, food preservation, boiling wild water, making it potable.
Tool construction: Fire can be used in the construction of tools, spears, burn bowls etc.
Other uses: Smoke repels insects, fire repels predators, provide light.

Fire Building Tips
• Locate fire out of wind, away from overhanging tree branches, against heat absorbing reflective surface, boulders or stacked logs.
• Clear an area at least 15’ diameter, down to soil. And either dig a shallow hole or a ring of rock to contain your campfire.
• Gather three times as much firewood, as you think you will need.
• When building a fire on snow dig down to the soil or construct a platform of green logs.
• Inexperienced fire builders should always start as early as possible in the construction of fire.
• Large bonfires are dangerous; a small fire with fuel the size of your thumb is just as effective, safer and more manageable.

Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Emergency Prep Tip #1

Today's Blog entry is the first in a series of short informational posts compiled to help YOU, our reader in your pursuit of greater self reliance and peace of mind.

Tip #1 -What if a disaster occurs while on the job? Do you know the emergency preparedness plan for your place of employment? While many employers have been pro-active in preparing for disasters since 911 and hurricane Katrina, a recent national survey indicates that many employees are still unaware of their workplace plan for major or minor disasters. If you don’t know yours, ASK. If perhaps your employer has yet to put a program in place, the plan should consist of: multiple routes in & out of your building, shelter-in-place or evacuate information, plan for both possibilities, know the location (or locations) of emergency & first aid kits and gear, emergency contact information for all employees involved and what possible emergencies might affect your company and location. For more information on the subject please see:

Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z

Saturday, June 26, 2010

WHAT should you put in your 72-hour emergency kits?

"WHAT should I put in my 72-hour emergency kits?"....seems I receive this question almost, phone calls, in line at the grocery store. Now I don't believe in simply providing these seekers with a "list of STUFF" to run out and purchase that will cover ALL their prepping needs. The following is a list of 10 concepts meant to help you maximize the effectiveness of the emergency kits you prepare. Preparing your own Emergency kits allows the flexibility, thoroughness and customization to your families unique needs and circumstance.

  1. Your BRAIN is your most valuable tool. Learn as much as possible about preparedness and self-reliance, first aid and community emergency response.
  2. Each kit should be tailored to meet the needs of each user as well as seasonal and environmental variance.
  3. Your emergency kits need not be expensive. Assemble the basics adhering to the "Survival Rule of 3's" and expand as resources become available.
  4. Components of your kits should be as multi-functional as possible. For example: large Contractor grade trash bags can be used as improvised shelter, water storage and collection or emergency ponchos.
  5. Get the family involved! Have each family member participate in the creation and upkeep and review of kits. Establish a "Emergency Plan" for your family, insure each family member knows the plan, rehearse regularly!
  6. Your kits should be portable and kept in a single convenient location. Accessible to all family members. Kits should be packed in portable containers (backpacks, duffel bags, rolling suitcases etc.) suitable to fitness levels of carrier. You may be required to evacuate in a moments notice.
  7. Twice a year check/rotate perishable items. Attention should be paid to stored water, food and first aid items. Keep a record of contents and date sensitive components. Don't Pilfer your kits for daily needs, when an emergency occurs you want your cache to be complete!
  8. Plan for comfort as well as survival. After facing the trauma of a natural calamity, a "box of pouches and space blankets" isn't going to cut it! Choose items, which will afford a certain level of comfort and familiarity.
  9. Include entertainment items, scriptures, playing cards, games to occupy time, providing a distraction and slice of normalcy.
  10. Don't forget the pets!

Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z

Thursday, June 24, 2010

NEW Logo....

Our logo was designed be our founder Z. Baker. The footprints represent our common ancestors, the pathway our ancestors left throughout their journey across time. The circle of flame, becomes a mirror into which we peer to see a campfire spiraling about, representing the curious & hardy spirits of those who came and sacrificed before. Self Reliance skills, often forgotten, await our rediscovery, to unite and better serve us all.

Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z

New FaceBook page....Follow along.

Greetings all,

We are moving up in the world, yesterday our Blog, today Facebook, tommorow......?? We thank all of you for your continued support and comments. Step on up to our campfire and join the group......

Please follow the Facebook link to your right......See ya on the trail.

Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z