Prior preparation is your key to overcoming an unexpected emergency, having an adequate kit and resources on hand (the ability to make a fire effortlessly and crawl into a shelter within a matter of minutes) is crucial to you making it home alive.
The following is a technique that will aid Search and Rescue's tracking personnel in identifying your shoe tread pattern, track size and shape. The more information you can provide the better.
1. Place sheet of medium weight aluminum foil on a carpeted surface, if carpets not available lay a piece of clothing down and use it. Make sure foil is large enough for your entire track.
2. With the footwear you will be wearing on your excursion, step onto foil making a clear imprint of your shoe’s tread and size.
3. Finish the process by signing each imprints owners name to the bottom of the foil.
4. Leave your foil imprint and the above trip information with two responsible individuals, with instructions to notify local Search And Rescue if you do not return at appointed time.
Stay healthy, mind-body-spirit! -Z
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